best Breast Cancer Treatment in india

Breast Cancer Treatment

  • best Breast Cancer Treatment in india

    USD 2500

  • best Breast Cancer Treatment in india

    Before & After

  • best Breast Cancer Treatment in india

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  • Breast Cancer Treatment cost in india

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More About the Treatment

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women worldwide. Pollution, unhealthy lifestyle, exposure to radiation, genetics, and other factors are responsible for the rise in breast cancer cases every year. With the advancement in treatment options and increased awareness, more women survive


Breast Cancer Treatment Cost In India

Patient's Recovery Rate


Recovery data Your doctor will discuss the recovery period in your situation, ranging from a few weeks to months for complete recovery. This largely depends upon the type of treatment, how extensive the surgery was, etc.

Success Rate


70% Complete

Treatment Procedures & Success Rates Over time, with the developments of innovative drugs and advancement in technology, the success rate of treatment has increased tremendously. The five-year survival rate of non-metastatic breast cancer patients is over 90% (1). The success rate mainly depends on your age, overall health, and how well cancer responds to the treatment, hormone receptors, and other factors. Women diagnosed at an early stage tend to have a higher success rate.

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Yes, you can live a long and healthy life after the treatment. Even though the treatment is extensive and takes a few months to even a year to get back to everyday life, most patients do not find any difficulty adapting to life after the surgery. In cases of patients wherein lymph nodes from the armpit are removed, certain precautions need to be taken to avoid the risk of lymphedema.

The surgery takes around 2-4 hours depending upon the type of surgery i.e., whether it is a mastectomy, breast conservative surgery, or lymphadenectomy. Some of these surgeries are highly invasive and require a longer time to recover.

Like any other surgical procedure, there are few risks associated with breast cancer's surgical treatment, including chances of infection, bleeding, swelling of the arm (a condition known as lymphedema), reaction to anesthesia, etc.

Plan your treatment by choosing the right center for treatment. Discuss with your doctor about your cancer stage, its growth, if your cancer is HER2-positive, treatment options suitable for you, the possible side effects of your treatment, etc. Prepare yourself physically by following a healthy diet and pre-surgery exercise suggested by your physiotherapist.

Enquire about the duration of treatment and how long you are required to stay in the hospital. Apply for a medical visa accordingly. Prepare yourself financially by checking if your medical insurance covers the treatment.

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