best Cervical Cancer Treatment in india

Cervical Cancer Treatment

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    USD 5000

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More About the Treatment

The lower and narrow part, which connects the uterus to the vagina, is known as “Cervix”. The healthy cells that are available on the surface of the cervix when starts to change and becomes out of control, it forms a tumour. Although the growth of the tumour is comparatively slower, it requires


Cervical Cancer Treatment Cost In India

Patient's Recovery Rate


Recovery Data The recovery process of women treated with cervical cancer continues even after the completion of intensive therapy. It takes quite some time for the body to come back to the normal. Although, it is recommended to restrict performing strenuous activities, lifting heavy weights, etc right after the treatment. After coming back from the hospital, the patient takes 4 to 6 weeks to recover from the surgery. Treatments such as LEEP and conization need shorter recovery time. However, chemotherapy and radiation are the treatments that take the longest time which might include months or even years.

Success Rate


70% Complete

Treatment Procedures and Success Rates The success rate of cervical cancer treatment is affected by multiple factors such as age, stage of cancer, ethnicity, etc. When cancer gets detected at the initial stage, the success rate is as high as 92%. Conversely, if the nearby tissues and organs got affected, then the rate will come down to 56%. At the later stages, the success rate is just 17% as, by this time, cancer has spread to various parts of the body.

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In general, cervical cancer treatment does not involve severe side effects. The patient usually examines very moderate risks which can be cured easily. However, there might be some extreme complications in some tragic situations. 

  • Emotional stress

  • Loss of bladder control

  • Bleeding while peeing or through stool

  • Swelling and redness in legs with pain 

  • Early menopause with extreme mood swings

  • Lack of sexual interest 

Yes, you can enjoy a safe life after undergoing cervical cancer treatment. However, it may take some time for the body to get back to the normal. After resting for a few weeks, you can start working, driving, exercising, enjoy physical intimacy, and more.

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