Human eyes do more than just see, they also help us communicate our expressions and feelings to others. Want to appear fresh when feeling great? You may visit a certified cosmetic surgeon for eyelid lift surgery. A highly individualised procedure, eyelid lift surgery helps in restoring a naturally r
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Hair, 15 Years of Exp.
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, Facial rejuvenation,
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Recovery Data You will have stitches in both eyelids after the surgery. They will remain for as long as 7-10 days and you may experience bruising or swelling but the eyelids should look completely normal within 1-2 weeks.
Post-surgery Procedure and Success Rate It is critical for you to follow the instructions of your surgeon so that your eyes can heal quickly and without any complications. It is equally important for you to lead a better lifestyle and take frequent breaks during the initial few days so you don’t bother your eyes with strain.
An ideal candidate for an eyelid lift surgery is someone who is in good health and a nonsmoker without serious eye conditions and medical conditions that can impair healing and has a clear and realistic idea of what he or she wants. A majority of people opting for the surgery are 35 years or older but you may opt for this surgery done sooner if you have a family history of baggy eyelids or droopy eyelids.
Unwanted results and complications from an eyelid lift surgery are rare, but sometimes they do happen. They can include:
Abnormal colouring of the eyelids
Dry eyes
A pulled-down lower lid lash line
During this outpatient procedure, the surgeon may provide local or general anesthesia with IV sedation during the eyelid lift surgery.
It is important to note that you may experience some swelling or visible bruising during the first two weeks after the eyelid lift surgery. Keeping your head elevated during sleep and the use of cold compresses is usually suggested to alleviate pain. The surgeon may recommend using dark sunglasses with frames and applying sunscreen after the eyelid lift surgery. It is also important for you NOT to strain, bend down to pick things, or lift for a period up to four weeks after the eyelid lift surgery.
It is important for patients to have a detailed discussion and examination before the eyelid surgery with the surgeon. Potential benefits and risks must be discussed in detail with the surgeon to make an informed decision. The surgeon’s preoperative instructions must be carefully followed by the patient. Postoperative instructions must be thoroughly reviewed before the day of surgery to stock pain relief medications or necessary items like artificial tears, gel packs, and gauze at home before the patient makes a return to their home.
Yes, you can surely lead a happy and normal life after the surgery/procedure. Lower eyelid surgery rarely requires to be repeated while upper eyelid surgery generally lasts for 5-7 years. A forehead lift instead of another eye lift may be the suggested procedure if the lids sag again.
It is important for you to have the following things/documents:
Medical reports
Financial and address proofs
Current photographs
Passport copies
Medical recommendation letter
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