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More About the Treatment

Dialysis is the treatment for filtering and purifying the blood with the help of artificial machines. When the kidney is no longer able to perform its primary role, doctors suggest the dialysis treatment. Hemodialysis is one of the highly performed dialysis treatments that offers healthy wellbeing t


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To start off with hemodialysis, you must ensure that you are the right candidate for it. The given requirements make you apt for the treatment. 

  • Having kidney failure symptoms 

  • 10-15% of the kidney is left for functioning

  • Experiencing high blood pressure

  • Diagnostic tests showing the need for the treatment

  • The doctor is prescribing after a physical evaluation

Majority of people who undergo hemodialysis treatment are able to tolerate the procedure without experiencing the side effects. However, there are some risks and complications that are possessed with the treatment. Having any of the complications can be treated easily with the help of the dialysis team.

  • Low or high blood pressure

  • Itchy skin

  • Restless nights

  • Amenia (Lack of red blood cells)

  • Irregular heartbeats

  • Infection at the dialysis site

Hemodialysis treatment can be performed both in-centre and at home. The time of the dialysis will vary as per the location of the treatment. However, it usually takes 3-4 hours for the completion of one session of Hemodialysis. Minimum of 3 sessions per week is needed for the best results.  

Hemodialysis is the treatment that performs the function of the kidney when it ceases working. It becomes vital for the patient to know what he/she can expect from the treatment beforehand. Following are the expectations that an individual can keep with the treatment. 

  • Improved quality of life

  • Reduced symptoms that are related to kidney problems

  • Lesser breathing problems and headache

  • Better well-being

  • High energy level

  • Better concentration and sleeping pattern

  • Better appetite and digestive system

Yes, after the hemodialysis treatment, you can live a normal life. You can begin to travel, work, exercise, and more even from the very first day of the procedure. However, for successful outcomes, additional precautions are required to be taken. Patients must find time for the dialysis without skipping a day and follow all the directions as prescribed. 

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