In newborns, children, and adolescents, Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery is carried out for curing congenital heart diseases. With the right knowledge and expertise, surgeons fix the major heart defects in the children via multiple treatment options available. Being a complex surgery, pediatric trea
..., Cardiology,
Complex , 22 Years of Exp.
, Cardiology,
Angiopl, 38 Years of Exp.
, Cardiovascular & Cardiot, 37 Years of Exp.
, Cardio thoracic & cardiovascu, 33 Years of Exp.
, Implantable Cardioverter, 41 Years of Exp.
, Cardiology, Coronary Ste, 35 Years of Exp.
, , 35 Years of Exp.
, Cradiology,
Interventio, 28 Years of Exp.
, Congenital Heart Defects,<, 35 Years of Exp.
, Paediatric Cardiology
Car, 26 Years of Exp.
, Neonatal Pediatric Cardiac Int, 22 Years of Exp.
, Cardiothoracic Surgery, 21 Years of Exp.
, Cardiology, 30 Years of Exp.
, Cardiology and Cardio-thor, 34 Years of Exp.
, Interventional Cardiology, I, 18 Years of Exp.
, Interventional Cardiolo, 37 Years of Exp.
, Aortic Valve Surgery,
, Cardiography,
Non-Inv, 20 Years of Exp.
, Cardiovascular Surgery, Mi, 25 Years of Exp.
, Rotablation, Bifurcation An, 23 Years of Exp.
, Cardiologist,
Interven, 21 Years of Exp.
, Bypass Surgery
Aortic V, 20 Years of Exp.
, Adult and Pediatric - Heart , 20 Years of Exp.
, COPD treatment,
Cardio, 21 Years of Exp.
, Pediatric Cardiology, Pedia, 59 Years of Exp.
, Preventive cardiology,
, Peripheral Angioplasty,
, Cardiology,
Cardio Vas, 20 Years of Exp.
, Atrial Septal Defect repair<, 20 Years of Exp.
, Interventional Cardiologist, 35 Years of Exp.
, Aortic and Mitral Valve surg, 25 Years of Exp.
, Invasive and Non - Invasiv, 28 Years of Exp.
, Pulmonary artery Banding,
, Cardiac Devices (Pacemakers, 18 Years of Exp.
, Cardiology, 20 Years of Exp.
, Cardio Vascular & Thoracic , 21 Years of Exp.
, Cardiology & Cardiovascula, 26 Years of Exp.
, Minimally Invasive Cardiac , 27 Years of Exp.
, Coronary Angiography, Primary, 19 Years of Exp.
, Coronary Angiogram,
Co, 24 Years of Exp.
, Coronary Intervention,
, Cardiology,
, Complex Coronary Interventio, 26 Years of Exp.
, TAVRs,
Leadless ICDs, 28 Years of Exp.
, Angioplasty Stenting,
, 39 Years of Exp.
, Cardiovascular & Thoracic, 20 Years of Exp.
, Anaesthesiology,
Vascul, 19 Years of Exp.
, Interventional Cardiology
, Acute myocardial infarctio, 32 Years of Exp.
, Cardiothoracic Surgery, 35 Years of Exp.
, Clinical and Preventive Card, 45 Years of Exp.
, MBBS, Diplomate - Surgery, Di, 43 Years of Exp.
, Chairman, Fortis Heart & Vascu, 31 Years of Exp.
, Coronary Angioplasty, Criti, 12 Years of Exp.
, Clinical and Preventive Cardio, 18 Years of Exp.
, Cardiovascular Surgery, Heart , 30 Years of Exp.
, Pediatrics cardiology, Pediatr, 21 Years of Exp.
, Aortic aneurysm surgery, Pedia, 39 Years of Exp.
, EPS-RFA, Pacemaker Implantatio, 13 Years of Exp.
, Complex Coronary and periphera, 20 Years of Exp.
, Coronary Interventions (Radial, 30 Years of Exp.
, Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardio, 40 Years of Exp.
, Echocardiography, 3D Echo, TEE, 37 Years of Exp.
, Cardiology, 17 Years of Exp.
, Cardiology, 28 Years of Exp.
, Cardiologist , 20 Years of Exp.
Recovery Data After the surgery, your child will be kept in the ICU for some time and will be moved to another section of the hospital afterward. On average, it may take around three to four weeks for him or her to recover from the operation. However, for larger surgeries, he or she may need around six to eight weeks as well. It will be better for the parents to talk with the surgeon or doctor before letting their kid indulge in sports or return to their respective schools.
Treatment Procedure and Success Rate The success rate of pediatric cardiothoracic surgery generally depends on the stage or progress of the disease. Nonetheless, in India, the average survival percentage of the same remains around 95%. In the current system, one of the best ways to treat congenital heart disease is surgery. During this procedure, the doctor can repair the damages of the blood vessels in a proper manner and make the heart work perfectly again. But, in some cases, the usage of medication could be an ideal option as well. Nevertheless, if the defect is too significant, then the doctor may suggest a heart transplant as well.
In some cases, the pediatric cardiothoracic surgical procedure can cause some moderate to severe complications.
Irregular heartbeat or rhythm
Blood clot
Mild to moderate loss of blood
Difficulty while breathing
Extreme fatigue and tiredness
Sleeping issues
Any heart surgery, especially in children, can take quite a bit of time to complete. However, the overall duration of the same primarily depends on the complication of the procedure and the condition of the heart. However, on average, it should be completed within twelve hours.
Yes, the child can definitely live a normal and natural life after the surgery. As mentioned before, it might take around three to four weeks in most cases. So, once the mentioned duration is over, you will have to go to the doctor and ask about the post-ops care modality before sending your kid back to school.
If you are traveling to India with a minor for the surgery, then you would have to take:
The official birth certificate and ID of the toddler
Medical information and details about previous ailments
If you are not his or her parent, then the consent letter from the child’s father and mother
Your passport and photograph
Recommendation from a specific hospital (if applicable)
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